Dawn is a bitch

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Not because every moment of every day is going to be the fireworks of your first kiss at the top of the ferris wheel, but because it will be noteworthy or credible. But, if your life is consciously being driven by you, the only one who can drive your life, then your karma will be incredible. If our life is on autopilot and our actions aren’t really actions at all, but reactions or repetitive acts of habitual thoughts, comments, and behaviors, based on all of the external forces of which we have no control, then our karma will be shit, or if you prefer, a bitch. Karma is not the slave or savior, you are. Whether the action is conscious or unconscious is up to us.

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She is constantly placed in either the good pile or the bad pile, but rarely where she belongs, in the neutral pile. Karma tends to be used as a threat or an excuse to justify justifications of irresponsibility.

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Poor Karma, she has taken the heat for way too long now and it’s time she be rescued, redeemed, and liberated to restore her good name. Karma’s a bitch….we’ve all heard that statement, or maybe even thrown it out like a dagger to pierce someone else’s or our own “bad” behavior.