Star wars null arcs

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ARC trooper sergeants wore green-striped armor the only one known was Null A'den.ARC trooper lieutenants wore blue-striped armor and were the most common ARC troopers in the Grand Army of the Republic.They were the next highest ARCs in the rank system. ARC trooper captains wore red-striped armor and led the lower ARC ranks into battle.ARC trooper commanders were ARC troopers that were specially trained by Alpha-17 to be better troopers and be more independent, creative, and aggressive.Some of them would customize their armor. Regular Advanced Recon Commandos wore regular armor.Phase II was very similar to Phase I armor, but some differences were that it had more chest plates on the pauldron, a shorter antenna crest was used, and a life support unit was on the back. Phase I armor was experimental, but was used on all troopers when Phase II came out. Phase I ARC trooper armor had a kama and pauldron on it with rangefinders and hidden weapons in it. Main article: Advanced Recon Commando armorARC troopers had armor like regular troopers, but it had many attachments on it.